
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Episode 27: Loving on Local (Again) - feat. SaraJane Gates
Monday Nov 05, 2018
Monday Nov 05, 2018
I love meeting new Chattanoogans, and this week I'm joined by SaraJane Gates, who moved to the Scenic City less than 8 months ago and is already making a huge impact. She talks about her background in startups, event planning and networking, why she and her husband fell in love with Chattanooga, and we throw a ton of love at our favorite local businesses. SaraJane is also the mastermind behind Sip See Chatt, a network of influencers who come together to support local business. The first event is this week, and we're too excited!
Thanks so much for listening! Follow us online here:
SaraJane is @legitsarajane everywhere.
Stay tuned to @SipSeeChatt on Instagram, and follow the parent organization @SipSeeCity for updates on events in your city!

Monday Oct 29, 2018
Episode 26: Beer Supports Beer - feat. WanderLinger Brewing Co.
Monday Oct 29, 2018
Monday Oct 29, 2018
This week, we meet another new brewery opening soon in Chattanooga: WanderLinger Brewing Company. Co-owners (and brothers) Chris & Mike Dial and assistant brewer Jarrod Szydlowski join me to pour some beers and talk about how they landed in Chattanooga, how they got into the brewing business, and how they see the future of craft beer evolving in Chattanooga. I tasted three beers they'll have on tap when they open next month, and y'all, they were delicious.
Until the grand opening, y'all can find WanderLinger on tap around town at Basecamp Restaurant & Bar, Barley Taproom, Parkway Pourhouse, Brewhaus, FEED Co. Table & Tavern, and Chattanooga Wine & Spirits.
Thanks so much for listening! Follow us online here:
WanderLinger: Facebook // Instagram // Website

Monday Oct 22, 2018
Monday Oct 22, 2018
This week, Michael Rice, owner of Mad Priest Coffee Roasters joins me to share his journey from Georgia, to India, to Chattanooga, and talk about the soon-to-be Mad Priest Coffee & Cocktails bar. He teaches me a whole lot about the coffee roasting process, how different flavors are extracted, and gives me a definitive answer about which type of coffee has more caffeine: light roast or dark roast.
Visit Mad Priest Coffee Roasters at 1900 Broad Street, and look for Mad Priest coffee for sale around town. Mad Priest Coffee & Cocktails opens October 31st on Cherry Street.
Thanks so much for listening! Follow us online here:
Mad Priest Roasters: Facebook // Instagram // Website
Mad Priest Coffee & Cocktails: Facebook // Instagram // Website

Monday Oct 15, 2018
Episode 24: The Nooga Pitmaster - feat. Craig Mobley
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
This week I sit down with Craig Mobley, pitmaster and kitchen manager of Edley's BBQ. He joined the Edley's team in 2017 and has loved every minute of it. Craig gives us an inside look at what being a pitmaster is like and what makes working with the Edley's family so special.
Thanks so much for listening! Here's where to follow us online:
Edley's BBQ: Facebook // Instagram // Website
Craig's Instagram: @nooga_pit_master
Kate: Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Blog
Podcast: Facebook // Instagram

Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Live from the Bridge: Wine Over Water 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
Wednesday Oct 10, 2018
I chronicled the excitement of my Wine Over Water weekend for all y'all to listen and enjoy! While on the bridge, I chatted with reps from some of the wineries, a couple friends, and even made some new friends. Then on Sunday, it's all about the yoga, brunch and bubbly.
Thanks to everyone who talked with me, and thanks to y'all for listening! If you're already looking forward to Wine Over Water 2019, follow them on Facebook, Instagram and their website to stay up to date on information for next year.

Monday Oct 08, 2018
Episode 23: London's Calling, Literally - feat. James Heeley
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Monday Oct 08, 2018
Chattanooga's getting a speakeasy, and we have London native James Heeley to thank for it! This week, James joins me to talk about all things pubs, speakeasies, cocktails, football and Earl Grey tea—and that's just the half of it. Most importantly, James share shis vision for his soon-to-open speakeasy, London Calling, and how he hopes to blend his background with Chattanooga's culture.
Thanks for listening! Here's where to follow us on the Internet:
London Calling: Facebook // Instagram // Website // James on Instagram

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Pinkies Up, B*tches: In Which Kate Eats Shawarma for the First Time
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
What happens when my friends and I go out to eat—or just go out in public? I capture our shenanigans for all y'all to listen and enjoy. Say hello to "Pinkies Up, B*tches," a new bonus series featuring me and my wonderfully weird friends eating and drinking around Chattanooga.
First up, we hit The 405 Bistro, a new Middle Eastern restaurant in downtown Chattanooga. Since my friends are significantly more cultured than I am, they introduce me to shawarma, baba ganouj, and all sorts of other deliciousness. The rest of the conversation? Well... we're "wonderfully weird" for a reason.
Thanks so much for listening! Follow The 405 Bistro on Facebook and Instagram, and visit them at 405 Market Street.

Monday Oct 01, 2018
Episode 22: But First, Cold Brew - feat. Justin Carner
Monday Oct 01, 2018
Monday Oct 01, 2018
This week, I've got cold-brew coffee connoisseur Justin Carner, aka Nooga Foodie, with me. He talks about what brought him to Chattanooga from the Chicago suburbs, how his family drew him into the food and beverage industry at a young age, and how he's pursuing a childhood dream of operating a coffee business. Most importantly, we talk about the community that a coffee shop can create and his visions for Velvet Robot Cold Brew and the upcoming Lab.
Thanks so much for listening! Follow us online here:
Velvet Robot Cold Brew: Facebook // Instagram // Website
Nooga Foodie: Facebook // Instagram
Kate: Facebook // Instagram // Twitter // Blog
Nooga Belle: Facebook // Instagram
Don't forget to visit Justin at the Chattanooga Market on Sundays!

Monday Sep 24, 2018
Episode 21: The Naked Side of the Story - feat. Naked River Brewing Company
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Monday Sep 24, 2018
Chattanooga's getting another awesome brewery, and this week I sit down with Jake, Nate, Trey and Joe from The Naked River Brewing Company. Jake and Nate tell the story of how NRBC came to life and talk about the types of beer to expect. Joe talks about the food he's bringing to the table alongside the beer. And of course, we throw some love at the ever-growing beer scene and community in Chattanooga and how NRBC will fit in to that.
Thanks so much for listening!
Follow Naked River Brewing Company for updates on official opening date and more: Facebook // Instagram // Website
Follow the podcast on Facebook and Instagram.

Thursday Sep 20, 2018
BONUS: Wine Over Water Preview with Jodi Lawrence
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
Thursday Sep 20, 2018
If you're local to the Chattanooga area, you know that one of the biggest and best events of the year is coming up—Wine Over Water! Board member (and fellow food blogger) Jodi Lawrence joins me to chat about this year's weekend of WOW festivities, including the "off the bridge" events, the main event, where your money is going, what to expect and more. We also share our best tips for first-time attendees so you can make the most of your time on (and off) the bridge.
Check out the Wine Over Water website for more information and to get your tickets. Learn more about historic preservation in Chattanooga on the Cornerstones, Inc. website.
Follow Wine Over Water on Facebook and Instagram, and don't forget to tag them at the event(s)!